Now on to an exciting new project I'm working on. Last night I set out to do some night photography which I have not done for a while.While we were enjoying the randomness of the upside down traffic light in Syracuse's Tipp hill neighborhood, I spotted a toilet sitting on someone's lawn that they were throwing out. This sparked an artistic idea in my head, I set up my tripod, and took a few pictures of the toilet. My friend Shawn said we should take it with us so we emptied the water out of it and put it in the back of my car and drove back towards campus. On the way back we saw the most interesting sculpture infront of the MOST museum in Syracuse's Armory Sq. area so we took some pictures of the glowing red circle, then we decided to take the toilet out and talke a picture of the toilet infront of the circle. This is when we came up with the idea of taking the toilet arround the city taking pictures of it in different places. We took it arrount campus but my tripod broke and we were forced to call it a night, but here are some of thew pictures we took that night.

- Orion
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